Ben Florentino Does Not Disappoint!

April 24th, 2012 by FIB'ers

Thursday night, April 19 was a great night for the FIB’ers. We had an above average amount of members present as Fred Madsen led us in “Amazing Grace” on his harmonica and Rick Chalmers gave a heart-felt devotional. Dorian Quimby received his Big Fish Awards:
Calico Bass

Spotted Bay Bass

Ben Florentino gave a very informative seminar which Steve Bermudes captured for us – Thanks Steve!!

At the end of the meeting, Ben Florentino generously raffled off two Plano boxes stuffed with Big Hammer swimbaits and War leadheads, and a 1/2 day fishing charter for two with him on his 22 foot Skeeter. WOW! Thank you Benny! Please think of Ben Florentino the next time you are considering hiring saltwater fishing guide. You will not regret it! He can be contacted here:
and by phone 310.779.0397

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