Juniors Trip July 24 Aboard the Amigo

July 30th, 2013 by FIB'ers

It was a dark and stormy night, just kidding. Again the Jrs(Fiberitos) did a great job of getting the adult Fibers to the dock on time. Also the nonjunior Fibers really did a great job of getting the Fiberitos out for heip. The crew of the Amigo, Captain Tom, Ichiro and Conner were on deck and ready. With all aboard we left the docks 3 minutes early and headed to the bait receiver for a great load of bait. Live squid. Again as in years past our old “friend” the wind had dropped the water temperature about 4 degrees. We headed up the coast to the outlet pipe at Huntington Beach. Captain Tom moved the boat around quite a few times. Finally for the last 2 hours we started to put stocking stuffers into the sacks. Big fish for the trip was a trigger fish that weighed 5lbs. 10ozs., also Caleb caught a nice sand bass that weighed 2lbs. 15ozs. Everyone really enjoyed the day on the water. Thanks again to all the FIB’ers that brought the kidos out. God blessed the Fibers again! -Fly

FIBERS_Fishing_Club's 2013 Juniors Trip 2 album on Photobucket

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