Juniors Trip- June 21, 2019 PM 1/2 Day Charter

June 25th, 2019 by FIB'ers

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Junior Trip June 21, 2019

We left the dock with 22 passengers and went directly to the bait receiver. We picked up a load of wonderful sardines. Walt and Bernie said they wished these had bee available for last Saturday’s trip . The sky was overcast but cleared as the day went on, no significant breeze was blowing, just enough to keep us comfortable; and the cool salt water temperature was refreshing after being on land in the beginning of summer heat.

The Sum Fun was crewed by Captain Brian plus deckhands Troy, Shane and Jase. The Fib’ers crew of Paula, Walt and Bernnie were also on board. We headed north out of Dana Harbor for about 45 minutes before stopping and trying our luck. Harlee Parker caught the first calico bass, not quite a keeper but a nice size fish. We fished at our first spot until the sea lions came along and caused use to move. We moved many times because their harassment. The fishing was not wide open, but steady. Most of the fish were released, but a few keepers were caught. Titus Poliakor landed the largest; fish a 4.5 pound Calico bass. Our last stop was near some off shore rocks where many large bass were caught. This stop was possible because our fishing crew was not over-packed.

Special thanks to the crew of the Sum Fun needs to be given they were wonderful! The cook kept the galley open an extra long time to provide for for all who wanted food, and the crew paid extra special attention to our young anglers and made sure all caught fish and their special needs were met.

We want to say special THANK YOU to Captain Rollo’s Kids for helping us sponsor our Junior Trip at a reduced fishing rate.

Ken Kunkel, Charter Master
Link to our next Juniors Trip

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