2021 June Juniors 1/2 Day Charter

July 1st, 2021 by FIB'ers

We experienced an AWSOME trip! The weather was great and seas were calm. And plenty of fish were caught. Our Trip on the Sum Fun began early because all our fishermen showed up so Captain Brian left the dock early.
We picked-up a few scoops of anchovies that proved to be super bait. We left Dana Harbor and headed north past the always full-of-seals light buoy. We stopped in full view of the Montage Hotel and a few fish were caught immediately. As the afternoon wore on the fishing slowed down so we made a second move and still very slow fishing. Then the third move was made and a jackpot was experienced.
Everyone caught as many a small calico bass as wanted. Several legal bass were brought aboard. Josh Nye caught the largest calico; an 1.8 pounder. Tim Murphy caught the jackpot fish for the day; an 8.6 pound white sea bass. He also caught a smaller white sea bass that was released. His dad and and a grandpa came up to me and said this was the best fishing they had ever been on with the son and grandsons. Everyone caught caught fish. My favorite fish, the mackerel also were present (God must have a special place in heaven for mackerel,
they provide so much fun for kids fishing.)
Special thanks needs to given to Bernie, Rob and Paula for helping to keep everyone in the water. The crew of the Sum Fun were GREAT Cpt . Brian, deck hands Izey and Dominic and galley-cook Josh. Again a special thanks to the Friends of Rollo for their financial support.


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