Juniors 1/2 Day

June 28th, 2009 by FIB'ers

June 24, 2009
By Floyd Spangler
It was a dark and stormy night.” Well not really, but do
I have your attention? Everyone arrived early or on time and
seemed very aggressive to go fishing. Good thing since
we were on the Aggressor. We loaded all 41 of us, 26
Juniors were fishing. Then we headed to the bait receiver
for the best load of mini-macks you could ask for, if you
were going for big yellowtail. As we headed north, Matt
made some great breakfast sandwiches. On deck Mike went
around making sure everyone was rigged for the day’s
fishing. The first stop was at the “pipe” for little or
nothing. The boat continued up to the power plant and
finally almost to the oil rigs. At this point we started
catching a few small bass and our friend of the day, the
blue perch. Elliot Taylor caught the big fish for the day a
1 3/4 lb. Sand Bass. Fishing was slow, but a good time was
had by all. Thanks to Savannah for controlling the bait tank
and kids playing with the mini-macks. The weather was
good and we had our traditional raffle drawing on the way
in. Thanks to everyone who brought a Junior. Thank God
for a good day and a really enjoyable crew.

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