Amazon Adventure

December 8th, 2010 by FIB'ers

Recently this report was sent into the FIB’ers headquarters by one of our members – Sam Camarillo.

Weather was 95-100 first three days, then a nice 80-85 the next three with a lot of rain. Humidity was always at least 85%. Food was fantastic, always too much meat, potatoes, fried bananas, fresh
pineapple, etc. Piranha is ok but too many bones.

Peacock bass BB-Q’ed with some lime and seasoning was my favorite fish dish. This is a pic of the shore lunch we had one day, those guides built a fire pit in 10 minutes and we cooked some freshly caught peacocks…. very good!


Here is a few of the bigger ones between 13-16lbs.  I hooked 3 that went over 20lb but could not get them to the boat before they wrapped up into the thick brush and broke off…. On 65lb braid too, very tough fish! The big 20 lb+ guys pulled 13lbs of drag I had set on my reels like nothing. If you were fishing in tight, like I was to the shore, you had about 15 seconds to turn his head while my guide was backing up the boat to try and make enough distance to stop him. Worked most of the time haha until you get over 20lbs then they seem to get a lot meaner.




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