Archive for July, 2010

Newport Bay Bass Tournament #2 – 2010

Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Report by, Jayson Quimby

On Saturday morning, July 24th, ten FIB’ers competed in the Newport Bay Bass Team Tournament #2. The format is simple: grab a fishing buddy to be your teammate, stay in the harbor, you can make your first cast at 5:30 AM, catch your three heaviest bass with artificial lures, and take them to the weigh in ALIVE by noon. When I loaded up the boat and noticed stars shining down on me at 4 AM, I was worried that it was going to be a bright and shiny small fish day, but I guess I was wrong! It turned out to be a relatively overcast day until 10AM, and 15 beautiful Spotted Bay Bass were weighed in on the Department of Fish and Game Back Bay Science Center docks.  Competing in the event this year were Floyd Spangler and Dave Shill, Jayson Quimby and Ron Withers, Jim and Jeannie Kiech, Tom and Valerie Handzus, Jerry and Eric Bent. Most of the teams are pretty hush-hush about techniques, lures, and fishing spots, but the following are some observations I made and gathered from my fellow anglers:

1. There was about 4 feet of incoming water movement that day which caused a 5 degree drop in the water temperature in the areas closer to the harbor mouth. I watched the water where we began fishing fall from 68 degrees to 63 degrees in the first few hours of fishing.

2. They are still dredging areas of the bay, and the silt runoff makes the waterways a unique kind of off-colored emerald green.

3. No Sand Bass or Calico Bass were brought to the scales by our teams, but Dave Shill caught and released one short Whiteseabass.

4. They are in the process of replacing the sheriff’s station, Coast Guard, and guest docks at the south end of the harbor.

5. There were a lot of rental boats out fishing the bay catching a wide variety of fish from short Barracuda to Spot Fin Croaker.

6. If a Sheriff approaches you, you need to treat them with utmost respect, or you will be getting a citation – we observed some folks on wave runners make this mistake, and they ended up with citations.

7. The bigger Spotted Bay Bass were caught close to the top of the incoming tide.

The weigh in went really smoothly as each team weighed in a 3-Bass limit of good-looking Spotted Bay Bass.




July’s Monthly Meeting – 7/15/2010

Saturday, July 17th, 2010


Although attendance seemed below what we had last year, many FIB’ers came out to participate in what has become a tradition with the FIB’ers – The July Monthly Meeting with special guest: Chef Daniel Mattos.

The meeting began with a short devotion and announcements. One highlight was hearing about Tom and Val’s recent 3rd place finish at the SWBA event in Marina Del Rey.


Not only did they break a long streak of bad luck with their new boat, but they managed to beat nearly the entire field of the West Coast’s best anglers with an impressive 23.17 pound 5-fish limit, and they burned less than a gallon of fuel fishing the breakwater right in front of the harbor! Another FIB’er team who finished well in the last SWBA event were the Bassbusters Jim Kiech and Dave Shill.


It was shared how they placed 7th while accomplishing a few firsts for them in a tournament. They caught all of their fish while on the anchor, they broke the 20 pound glass ceiling with an impressive 20.34 pound 5-fish limit and they had their best finish in an SWBA event. The winners of the FIB’er Long Beach Calico Coastal event, Eric and Jerry Bent, told a humorous story of how they nearly caught two Calicos with one cast.No one spins a fishing story quite like EB, so you kind of had to be there to get the full effect, but while they were fishing a boiler off of Palos Verdes, Jerry hooked a nice Calico on a 7-inch Gulp Jerk Shad. While he was fighting the fish, he noticed another Calico biting at the Jerk Shad that was hanging out of the hooked fish’s mouth, so he told EB, “Net ‘em both!” (more…)

Pac Voyager 2-Day Trip July 12-13

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
Report by, Floyd Spangler
The OC Register was quoted as saying the fishing for those 2 days as “a ‘decent’ pick on albacore.  But the April winds have returned in July and it has been brutal fishing.”