Archive for March, 2012

March 2012 Monthly Meeting: “Awards Night”

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

On Thursday night, March 15th we held our annual awards meeting to present awards for the outstanding catches made in 2011. These went to adult men and women, as well as our juniors. In addition, we presented our FIBerette “angler of the year” award to Paula Kunkel, Photobucket
and our FIBer “angler of the year” to Mike Kaneen.
Our junior “angler of the year” award went to Ken and Paula Kunkel’s grandson Luke.
Every year we also like to acknowledge the contributions of various members of our club who gave of their time, talents and resources to continue the FIBers’ mission of being a Christ centered fishing fellowship, open to any and all who would like to fellowship and fish with us. Three of our members were recognized this year. They were:
Thank you and congratulations to all of you!
We’re looking forward to our 29th year together, and again welcome anyone interested to check us out!

-Dave Shill

March Whale Watching Trip with Olive Crest

Friday, March 16th, 2012

The Fibers annual whale watching trip with Olive Crest was on March 7,2012. The Fibers had 68 guest with us this year,along with five Fibers. We were on the Nautilus this year, a great whale watching board, with Captain Robby at the helm We loaded the boat as we finished the manifest. Before we even cleared the jetty we could see a bird school and breaking porpoise just outside the harbor. The porpoise were shattered and not stay with us. Captain Robby turned the boat south down the coast. After about 15 minutes he spotted two whale spouts about a half mile in front of us. The whales were traveling north,we were able to parallel them and watch them swim north almost 45 minutes. Heading back to the harbor we did have porpoise playing along side the boat, to the enjoyment of all on board. Our final stop was at the bell buoy to watch the sea lions. It was a cool but sunny day with only a slit breeze,a good time was had by all. Thanks to the Fibers that helped out on the trip, Ken, Rick, Bruce and LIbby.