Archive for July, 2023

July 21, 2023 – Juniors Charter

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Junior Trip # 2, July 21.
We left the harbor at 12:00P.M and picked up a load of bait which turned
out ok, but not as good as our previous trip. The sardines were a little
large for the bass we were trying to catch. The cut squid, also on board,
was perfect. Our ocean was a little choppy on the way out but calmed
down for the afternoon. We enjoyed the companionship of our former
faithful past-FIB’er: Dave Shill and his two brothers. We had some great
Lighthouse fisherman who again brought needy kids from their
neighborhood. Amy also came with her older son. We had an age range
from 8 to Adults. A young boy, Jeremy, lit up the boat with his energy and
wonderful smile. All fishermen left this day of fishing with big smiles and
some even left with fish to take home. We did not land any big fish but
plenty of undersized Calico provided the action and joy for our trip.
Sophia again brought in the first fish, a Calico bass. Some of the older
boys were showing off their casting skills by using Hook-up Baits and
landing plenty of fish. Dads ,Grandpas and Grandmas were enjoying
watching their offspring catch fish and improve their fishing skills. For an
addicted old fisherman it was wonderful seeing how many young
fisherman had improved their skills. We had many repeat Juniors from our
last trip and some from last years trips who appear to have caught the
fishing bug.
Special Thanks to Captain Rollo’s Kids for their financial assistance. A big
Hand to Josh, the galley cook, who kept our crew well fed with
Hamburgers. Thank to the Sum Fun crew who helped us all with gear setup
and take-down. THANK YOU Brian, our Captain, who found us fish to
We had a dedicated crew from our FIB’ers who helped: Walt with rods,
Charlie with sign-ups, and Paula with love for all.

June 30, 2023 – Juniors Charter

Saturday, July 1st, 2023

Junior Trip #1: June 30, 2023
We left the harbor about 12:15p.m and picked up a load of perfect sized
anchovies. The Ocean was flat and calm all day, a delightful day for
fishing and just being on the water. We had a wonderful diverse group of
fisherman. We had dad’s/sons, Lighthouse and Fib’ers taking neighbors,
Grandma/Grandpa taking grandkids, and whole families. Ages ranged
from young boys and girls to seniors. All groups left the trip with big
smiles and those that wanted brought fish home. We caught a LOT of fish,
Bass, mackerel, barracuda and halibut, ranging in size from a 12.75 pound
halibut to mini calico bass.
The first Junior to land a fish was Sophia Rothenberg. Two sisters tied for
the adult first fish; Amy and Maryalice both brought over nearly identical
calico bass. The star of the trip was Jiulian who brought on board a
12.75# halibut caught on the bow using anchovies. Not sure who landed
the giant crab (caught on Hookup bait). The crab was returned home.
Many hungry undersized fish proved great fun for fisherman. A special
appreciation to Calico bass and Barracuda, and we must not forget our
faithful mackerel; all provided excitement to our fisherman.
Special Thanks to Captain Rollo’s Kids for their financial assistance. A big
hand to Josh who cooked many wonderful hamburgers and kept the galley
open. Thanks to Travis and Daniel who setup gear and released many
caught fish. THANK YOU to Brain, our Captain, who found us fish to
We had a wonderful crew of Fib’ers who helped also: Walt, Bernie, Paula
and Charlie.