Archive for June 28th, 2013

June 2013 Juniors AM 1/2 Day Trip on The Amigo

Friday, June 28th, 2013

The Jrs. gathered at dock side of Newport Landing, with their usual amount bouncy(tiggerish) energy. We boarded the Amigo and left the dock at 6:02 am, good job Jrs. to get your adults there on time. Captain Tom was at the helm and Ichiro was in the galley making his great breakfast choices. On deck were Michael and Cody, new to us. At the bait receivers we picked up great load of live squid and anchovies. Heading up the coast we traveled up to the long pipe and started fishing. It was slow at the start so Captain Tom moved to a few different spots, but they were no better, so we moved back to the pipe and started fly lining anchovies with a small slider. The calico bass were keyed on the small baits and not the squid for the most part. We had about 10 keeper bass, even with the new size limit of 14 inches. The Jrs. caught and released another 40 or more bass. The Terns were dive bombing our chum and catching anchovies in the air, which the Jrs really enjoyed. God again blessed with a safe trip and calm seas. Besides that, all of the Jrs got to catch fish.

FIBERS_Fishing_Club's 2013 Juniors June half Day album on Photobucket