Archive for April 7th, 2014

Mission Viejo Lake – March 22

Monday, April 7th, 2014

Mission Viejo – March 22.
Started out with a chance of a little drizzle, but it turned out to be a beautiful day. We had 9 people showing up, and we caught fish. Steve Bermudas decided to fish the shore while Suzie walked the lakeshore. Steve started catching fish right away from the shore and was quickly inundated by other younger anglers who crowded into him. Dave & Cathy Shill and Chuck Wheeler rented one boat and as they were on fish all day long, they had many break offs. The big one must have got away, Dave said that the hook was straightened out! That’s power. Other than the usual catch of trout, Dave had caught a blue gill which he was looking forward to having for dinner that night. Art Gomez and Mike Keene were in another boat. Mike was trying out a new pole that he bought at the Fred Hall show, the $19.95 special. Mike and Art caught a few fish but they bailed out at 11:00 deciding to go home. My wife and I fished down by the dam and we were on fish most of the day. During the day I attempted to call Dave and tell him where we were, but he didn’t answer his phone..his comment was something to the affect of “ I don’t answer my cell phone when I have fish on”. Julie and I were close to getting our limits when I did not secure one of our stringers to the boat and three fish got away..they would be dinner for the Bass. Then we relocated to a new location and had a nice drift for our last two fish of the day. Julie had her limit before I had mine.
Afterwards we all weighed our fish in and we had no big fish. There were a couple of trout that were caught in the MVLake Tournament that were over 6 lbs. MV Lake threw us a nice barbeque with the usual hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, salads, cookies and sodas.
After we had our barbeque lunch, we swapped fish stories and pictures, cleaned our fish and headed home around 1 in the afternoon. Steve decided to hang out longer to see if his luck would return. All in all a nice day and we look forward to perhaps doing the same next year.

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