Archive for May 21st, 2014

Ron Withers is on the Fish!!

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

My wife Anna and I headed out on our second annual birthday tradition to camp on her birthday. Our destination of choice Faria County Park in Ventura County. My family and I have been camping here literally my whole life.This is where I learned to fish since I was old enough to hold a rod and reel. Anna is recovering from recent surgery and wanted a place to do nothing but rest and relax this combined with her new birthday tradition made for the perfect opportunity. Anna and I arrived on Wednesday 05/14/14 in the evening and got settled in to our 30 foot Fleetwood Prowler. Yeah to some this isn’t camping but who says you can’t camp in style?! I didn’t spend hours on end fishing but I would play the tides, making bait in the morning during minus tide and fished the last two hours of incoming tide. Over the next few days I ended up with a variety of fish, barred surf perch, buttermouth perch, brown rockfish, kelp wrasse and cabazon. As a boy and young man my dream was to pull jumbo cabazon out of the surf. Sure I managed a little one now and then, but rarely did I get an eater size. Well now that I am a little longer in the tooth I had picked up on a few things during all my fishing adventures which I decided to put to the test. I ended up with two really decent sized cabazon and three of the largest barred surf perch I have ever caught. Sure mingled in were some smaller ones I caught off the beach on perch grubs. But the jumbos wanted live bait offerings, the bigger the better. God blessed us with a wonderful and restful mini vacation. Here are a few pics

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