Archive for April 14th, 2012

One Good Bite Makes All the Difference!

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

We recently received this fishing report from Ken Kunkel:

Mission Viejo Lake April 7, 2012

We had a blast at the Lake not a lot of fish, but a super GOOD TIME. We met Rick in Ralph’s Parking lot with both of my boys (grandkids) in tow. They were excited to GO fishing. We followed Rick to Lake Mission Viejo. Where we unloaded our gear and climbed into an electric boat. Off we went. Rick had his gear all ready to fish. We, on the other hand, needed to tie up leaders and attach the floats. There was a little problem with trying to tie 6 lbs test line with old eyes, but all set-up was finally finished and fishing began. The fishing was slow but snacks and wonderful fishing stories were plentiful. Rick hooked a nice size trout–3.5 lbs. And he graciously let Jack reel in the big fish. Jack was so proud of his accomplishment thanks to Rick. We continued to fish but the fish were just not biting. We pulled anchor at 11:30am and headed to the dock. On the way in Luke was allowed to drive the boat. He had a smile on his face from ear to ear. We did not kill a lot of fish that day, but all had a wonderful time on the water sharing the excitement of fishing.

Thanks again, Rick, for your gracious sponsoring of a day on Lake Mission Viejo.

Ken Kunkel